You’ve made the leap and subscribed to a service that’s going to help you put your marketing emails together, but you still aren’t sure what you should be putting in them. So far, you have one column, and you’ve gone completely blank on what else to write. Fortunately for you, you don’t necessarily need to write anything else. Read the following three places you may be able to gleam content and inspiration.


Do you have any customer testimonials? These are good to include in each and every one of your newsletters that goes out; it helps people see you as the trustworthy business that you are. When you include a customer testimonial, include some sort of contact information for the person who gave the testimonial so that your reader can verify if they feel inclined to do so.

Employee Interviews

Potential clients and current clients alike love seeing the “behind the scenes” moments in your email campaign letters. Introduce your employees by doing a small, but detailed, profile on them. Shine a light on them so your customers will feel like they “know” them, as this can go a long way in creating beneficial and positive relationships with clients. It’s also a great way to show your employees that you care about what they have to say and who they are.

What are People Saying About You?

Testimonials are generally asked for and taken from people who are happy with your services. However, there’s another way to get good commentary about your company – by stalking the Internet. The Internet has great review sites such as Yelp and Google Reviews that will usually have a wealth of information about your business. Look at some of it and highlight the good stuff in your newsletter.